INDONESIA MORNING SHOW NET TV  Motivator HARI ANAK NASIONAL 23 JULI  Master Stevie Lengkong Samuel Lengkong Kenneth Lengkong

INDONESIA MORNING SHOW NET TV Motivator HARI ANAK NASIONAL 23 JULI Master Stevie Lengkong Samuel Lengkong Kenneth Lengkong
Master Stevie Lengkong Samuel Lengkong Kenneth Lengkong
tayangan hebat lainnya….
Motivator Senam Otak Senam Pintar Stevie Lengkong Mike Mohede Westny DJ Mongol Stress

you may order to me, phone and whatsapp = +6285213118462, email :

 STEVIE LENGKONG, The Multi Talented Trainer Motivator
 Stevie Lengkong the Multi Talented Trainer Motivator from Indonesia

INDONESIAN VERSION. STEVIE LENGKONG, Menjadi Pembicara Motivasi di lebih dari 30 kota besar di Indonesia dalam bentuk Public Seminar, In House Training berbagai National Events, dan bahkan INTERNATIONAL Events di Dubai, India, Malaysia, Jepang, dan masih ada lagi.

Telah berbicara di hadapan jutaan orang dari berbagai kalangan dengan gayanya yang bersemangat, penuh senyum, dinamis, fun, menyentuh emosi dan selalu mampu menghidupkan suasana.

Berhasil meningkatkan produktivitas dan kinerja secara signifikan dan profit perusahaan dari klien-klien yang mengundang.

Berpengalaman dalam mengisi program acara Talkshow Motivasi maupun Bisnis di berbagai stasiun Radio & Televisi Indonesia dan Luarnegeri :

Radio REPUBLIK INDONESIA RRI PRO – 4,  Radio Heartline 100,6 FM, Radio Jam Gadang FM Bukit Tinggi Sumbar, Radio Pasaman Barat, Sumbar, Dan masih ada lagi.. (sedang diingat-ingat…)

TV Program:
TVRI Kalimantan Tengah, DUTA TV Banjarmasin,BANJAR TV, SAMPIT TV,
TV 5 INDIA, TV 9 INDIA, Dan masih ada lagi..

Selain itu beliau juga pernah diliput atau menjadi kontributor artikel untuk berbagai media cetak nasional dan daerah dan luarnegeri, seperti :
Koran Kompas, Koran di India, Koran di Malaysia,  Majalah GATRA, Majalah SUKSES, Majalah EXIST,
Dan masih ada lagi..

Dipercayakan untuk memberikan Training dan sesi Personal Coaching untuk Miss Jakarta Fair Indonesia 2010.

Telah diundang oleh Kementrian Kesehatan , dan PGN Perusahaan Gas Negara untuk memberikan pelatihan Character Building .

Training Motivasi – pelajar SD SMP SMA, pesantren di berbagai pelosok daerah terpencil Indonesia,

Karena Latar Belakang Mr.Stevie Lengkong yang juga mantan Atlit Nasional Taekwondo sekaligus Pelatih langsung / Motivator langsung bagi Juara Dunia Taekwondo Indonesia satu-satu nya yaitu Juana Wangsa Putri sejak 1992, juga Training Motivasi setiap minggu di berbagai cabang Dojo Taekwondo :
universitas Pancasila, STEKPI, ASMI, SMA 3, SMA 37, SMA 8, SMA 4, SMP 12, SMP 58, SMP 57,
GOR Jakarta Timur, GOR Bulungan, GOR POPKI Cibubur, dan masih banyak lagi ,
sejak tahun 1985 sampai 2013 sehingga mencetak Juara-juara Nasional Taekwondo pria wanita yang sekarang menjadi pelatih-pelatih Taekwondo di berbagai lokasi di Indonesia.

Diundang untuk memberikan motivasi ke para Atlet-atlet SEA GAMES 2013 untuk dapat meraih medali emas.

Beliau sering diundang perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Farmasi seperti:
Soho Group Indonesia, Trace Mineral Research Utah Amerika Serikat,
Dan masih ada lagi…

Menjadi Motivator di berbagai acara Marketing and Sales seperti: CNI, Revell Global, PD Pasar Jaya, , dan masih ada lagi…

Dipercayakan untuk membawakan Seminar Skill (bukan Soft Skill Training) di kantor-kantor pemerintahan Indonesia, seperti di kantor Gubernur Sulawesi Utara, Kementrian Kesehatan, Kementrian Kehutanan, Walikota Pariaman, kantor Gubernur Bangka Belitung, dan masih banyak lagi…

Pendidikan         : Teknik Elektro di SMT Penerbangan Blok M Jakarta Selatan.

Hobby : Olahraga hampir seluruh Olahraga (Taekwondo, Basket, Tenis Meja, Catur, dan lainnya),
Kotak Katik elektronika Komputer Software Hardware,
Memainkan hampir berbagai jenis alat Musik,Senang Menyanyi,

Pengalaman :
1985 – 1998    : Juara Nasional Taekwondo, Pelatih Taekwondo DKI Jakarta, Pencetak Juara Dunia Taekwondo & Olimpiade.
1998 : MC di Motivation Day Kerusuhan Trisakti – 3000 orang Hall B Jakarta Fair.
1999 : MC di Regional Convention MLM – 3000 orang Hall B Jakarta Fair.
2000 : MC di Regional Convention & Malaysian Guest – Balai Sidang 3000 orang.
2001 : MC bersama Ulfa Dwiyanti  – di National Convention – Istora Senayan 10000 orang.
2002                : MC di Motivation Day – Tennis Indoor Senayan – 4000 orang.
2003 : MC di International Convention Malaysia Spore India Philipine – 20.000 orang bersama Purwacaraka Big Band.
2004 : MC di International Motivation Day Indonesia Philipine –
2005 – 2010     : Penyiar Radio RRI Pro-4 tidak menetap, Healthy Lifestyle Session.
2007 : MC di Miss Jakarta Fair Competition.
2008 : MC di Virgo StarCruise Spore Malaysia.
. : Presenter Healthy Life Style di Metro TV .
: Penyanyi di acara Gebyar Keroncong – TVRI.
2007 – 2009    : MC di Pentas Seni Pelajar dari Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan DKI Jakarta.
2009 : MC dan Translator di International Recognition Revell Indonesia USA.
2010 : MC di acara Launching produk Farmasi Indonesia & Australia.
: MC di Roadshow Pagelaran Seni Budaya Betawi – Dinas Pariwisata DKI Jakarta.
2008 – 2010     : Penyanyi di acara Gebyar Keroncong – TVRI bersama grup Koko Thole.
1994 – 1995    : Pemain Sinetron SCTV, RCTI, Indosiar.
: Pemain Film Layar Lebar bersama Soraya Intercine Film & Garuda Film.
1995 : Bintang acara TV Boy di TVRI.
2004 – 2010    : Finalis Keroncong Bintang Radio RRI.
2010 : Audisi Indonesia Mencari Bakat.
2010 : Juara 1 Festival Tembang Kenangan DKI Jaya  di Taman Mini TMII.



Trainer Motivator Baru Indonesia yang Multi Talenta yang juga bisa Entertain  you may order to me, phone and whatsapp = +6285213118462, email :


Stevie Lengkong, Motivational Speaker Being in more than 30 major cities in Indonesia in the form of Public Seminar, In House Training a variety of National Events, and even INTERNATIONAL Events in Dubai, India, Malaysia, Japan, and there’s more. STEVIE LENGKONG, Menjadi Pembicara Motivasi di lebih dari 30 kota besar di Indonesia dalam bentuk Public Seminar, In House Training berbagai National Events, dan bahkan INTERNATIONAL Events di Dubai, India, Malaysia, Jepang, dan masih ada lagi. READ MORE….

Stevie Lengkong, Motivational Speaker Being in more than 30 major cities in Indonesia in the form of Public Seminar, In House Training a variety of National Events, and even INTERNATIONAL Events in Dubai, India, Malaysia, Japan, and there’s more.Has spoken in front of millions of people from all walks of life with a vibrant style, full of smiles, dynamic, fun, touching emotions and always able to turn the atmosphere.Managed to improve productivity and performance significantly and company profit from inviting clients.Experienced in charge talkshow program Motivation and Business at various stations of Radio & Television Indonesia and Overseas:
Radio REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA RRI PRO – 4 Heartline Radio FM 100.6, Radio FM Clock Tower Hill High West Sumatra, Radio West Pasaman, West Sumatra, and there’s more .. TV Programme:COMPASS TV, METRO TV, quiz, INDOSIAR, TVRI NATIONAL,TVRI Central Kalimantan, AMBASSADOR TV Banjarmasin, BANJAR TV, TV SAMPIT,INDIA TV 5, TV 9 INDIA, And there’s more ..He has also been covered or contributing articles to various national and regional print media and abroad, such as: Kompas newspaper, newspapers in India, Malaysia Newspapers, Magazines GATRA, SUCCESS Magazine, Magazine EXIST, And there’s more .. Entrusted to provide Training and Personal Coaching sessions for Miss Indonesia 2010 Jakarta Fair.Has been invited by the Ministry of Health, and the National Gas Company PGN to provide training Character Building.Training Motivation – elementary school junior high school, boarding schools in various parts of the remote areas of Indonesia, Because Background Mr.Stevie Lengkong and former National Taekwondo Athlete Coach at once direct / immediate motivator for World Champion Taekwondo Indonesia is the one that is Juana Wangsa his daughter since 1992, also Training Motivation every week in various branches of the Dojo Taekwondo:University of Pancasila, STEKPI, ASMI, 3 SMA, SMA 37, SMA 8 SMA 4, SMP 12, SMP 58, SMP 57,East Jakarta GOR GOR Bulungan, GOR POPKI Cibubur, and many more,from 1985 to 2013, so print-Champion National Champion Taekwondo men and women who now coaches Taekwondo at various locations in Indonesia.Invited to give motivation to the athletes SEA GAMES 2013 to be able to win the gold medal. He often invited firms engaged in Pharmaceutical like:Soho Group Indonesia, Trace Minerals Research Utah USA,And there’s more …Being Motivator at various events such as Marketing and Sales: CNI, Revell Global, PD Pasar Jaya,, and there’s more …Entrusted to bring Seminar Skill (not Soft Skill Training) at the Indonesian government offices, such as in North Sulawesi Governor’s office, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Forestry, Mayor Pariaman, Bangka Belitung Governor’s office, and many more …Education: Electrical Engineering in SMT Flight Blok M, South Jakarta.Hobby: Sports nearly the entire Sports (Taekwondo, Basketball, Table Tennis, Chess, and others),electronics engineer Hardware Computer Software,Play almost any type of music instruments,love singing,Experience:1985 – 1998: National Champion Taekwondo, Taekwondo Coach Jakarta, Printer & Olympic Taekwondo World Champion.1998: MC at Trisakti Motivation Day Riot – 3000 Hall B Jakarta Fair.1999: MC in the Regional Convention MLM – 3000 Hall B Jakarta Fair.2000: MC in the Regional Convention & Malaysian Guest – 3000 Convention.2001: MC together Ulfa Dwiyanti – The National Convention – Senayan 10000 people.2002: MC in Motivation Day – Tennis Indoor Senayan – 4000 people.2003: MC at the International Convention Malaysia Spore India Philippine – 20,000 people together Purwacaraka Big Band.2004: MC in Indonesia Philippine International Motivation Day -2005 – 2010: Radio Host RRI Pro-4 is not settled, Healthy Lifestyle Session.2007: MC at Miss Jakarta Fair Competition.2008: MC in Virgo StarCruise Spore Malaysia.. : Presenter Healthy Life Style on Metro TV.Singer in Gebyar Kroncong – TVRI.2007 – 2009: MC in the Performing Arts Student of the Department of Tourism and Culture Jakarta.2009: MC and Translator at International Recognition Indonesian Revell USA.2010: MC at the event Launching Pharmaceutical Products Indonesia and Australia.: MC in Art Exhibition Roadshow Betawi Culture – Tourism Office of Jakarta.2008 – 2010: Singer in Gebyar Kroncong – Koko Thole TVRI with the group.1994 – 1995: Players Soap Opera SCTV, RCTI, Indosiar.: Players movie together Soraya Intercine Widescreen Movies & Garuda Film.1995: Star Boy TV show on TVRI.2004 – 2010: Finalists Kroncong RRI Radio Star.2010: Indonesia Looking for Talent Auditions.2010: 1st Song Festival Memories in Miniature Park Jaya Ancol.THERE IS MORE …




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